Premarital & Marriage Counseling

Are you a premarital or committed relationship? Join us at The Lytle House for our research based educational group. This is a small group in which to slow down and connect. No public sharing is required. Schedule is to be announced depending on group needs and seating is limited.
I’m holding a safe, non-judgmental space for you to seek support in your journey to and through marriage.
*We provide psychoeducation, not licensed therapy; you deserve therapy, too!

Goals aka “What’s in it for me?”
Identify your goals for the relationship. These might include:
Building on friendship, fondness, and admiration
Enhance romance and intimacy
Learn to manage conflict constructively and address perpetual and solvable problems
Create shared meaning
Your Role
The fact that you’re considering couples counseling is a huge step in itself. Just look at where the US focuses their attention the most…
With most of our attention on the one day wedding, it’s no wonder folks are searching for clues on how to prepare for engagement and marriage. The National Marriage Project cites a recent report that “couples who make intentional decisions regarding ‘major relationship transitions’ are more likely to flourish than those who slide through transitions.”
By choosing to intentionally invest in your relationship, you’re already taking a step together, in the right direction. I invite you to attend with an open mind, practice the tools to assist you and your partner seeing and hearing each other and experience the positive shift in your relationship together.

I offer and expect open and honest communication within the relationship and in sessions while respecting your privacy and everyone’s boundaries. Please keep in mind this is not licensed therapy but approachable psychoeducation. If you prefer a licensed therapist please see psychologytoday.com.
Three Initial Sessions
1. Couple’s Assessment
- Your background and story
- Assessment for current strengths and challenges
2. Feedback Session
- Feedback from initial assessments
- Confirm rapport and desire to work together
- Coaching and resources to build friendship, intimacy and shared meaning, navigate conflict and plan for the future.
3. Follow Up Couple’s Session
- Continue practicing tools for building friendship, intimacy and shared meaning, navigating conflict and planning for the future.
Frequent topics for focus:
- Marriages within your family/community
- Wedding Planning
- Friendship & Intimacy
- Spirituality & Values
- Kids & Family Dynamics
- Home, Chores & Roles
- Finances & Career
Initial Package
Three Sessions for $300
Follow Up
As many sessions as you may need $75 each
Further sessions are scheduled on an on-going and as-desired basis. Bring your whole-selves for the benefit of preparing your relationship for marriage and beyond.
Counseling is not required for SPW officiating services although it is recommended. Further couple's sessions are also recommended and may be added a la carte at booking or at a later date. Want access to digital resources? Ask about the Gottman Relationship Builder.
*We offer psychoeducation, not licensed therapy
If you made it this far, maybe filling out our anonymous relationship survey would be helpful. It’s a good tool to get you thinking about your own relationship and it helps us fine tune our support for couples like you!
Photos on this page by Victoria Saint Martin and Pexels.